Girl Scouts
Troop 772 started in 2004 and consists of 12 Ambassador Girl Scouts, grades 9 to 11. We are a very active GS troop. When the girls started middle school, we started our “big” troop trips. We have been to Savannah twice (once as a troop and once with our Service Unit); been to Tennessee (rafting/caving/ziplining/Bristol Motor Speedway); been to West Virginia (rafting/ziplining/rappelling/horseback riding/the orb); and have been to New York City. In addition, we usually go on at least one outing a month and have helped plan and run many Daisies/Brownies events, service unit encampments, GSCM encampments, Thinking Days, and recruitments.
So far, two of our girls have completed their Gold Awards.
Nicole Warder completed renovations to the church: replaced handicapped ramp; replaced the railings on porches of the Fellowship Hall; repaired the fence, ramp, and rock wall of the playground; and built three picnic tables.
Likhitha Butchireddygari made a self-help math website. You can find this website at:
Many of our troop girls helped with both of these Gold Award projects.